Trees offer a beautiful and natural way to create privacy for your home and garden. They enhance aesthetics, provide shade, reduce noise pollution, and improve air quality. However, the growth rate of trees can vary significantly. While some may take years to reach their full height, others are fast-growing and can quickly provide the desired privacy.

Fast growing privacy trees serve as a natural boundary and provide a serene ambiance. From the vibrant red maple to the resilient Leyland cypress, these trees swiftly transform your surroundings into a private haven, perfect for peaceful moments of solitude or a tranquil family picnic.

Stay tuned for our comprehensive list that will introduce you to a range of trees, each with unique features and growth rates. Explore, discover, and find the perfect fit for your space as you travel through our curated guide. There’s a green world waiting for you!

Criteria for Selecting Fast Growing Privacy Trees


  1. Screening needs: What’s your primary reason for planting these trees? Blocking an unsightly view? Drowning out noise? Identify your need first.
  2. Desired level of privacy: How secluded do you want your space to be? Some trees offer denser coverage than others.

Space Considerations

  1. Available space for mature size: Consider your yard’s size. Some trees grow up to 60 feet! Make sure there’s room for them to flourish without causing problems.
  2. Allowance for tree roots: Tree roots need space too. Ensure they won’t interfere with any underground utilities or structures.

Growth Factors

  1. Growth rate: If you’re impatient for privacy, opt for fast-growing species. They’ll reach their full height quicker.
  2. Timeframe to maturity: Some trees take longer to mature than others. Keep this in mind when planning your landscape.
  3. Evergreen or deciduous: Evergreens provide year-round privacy, while deciduous trees offer a seasonal screen.

Aesthetic Preferences

  1. Foliage color and texture: Choose trees that match your aesthetic. Do you prefer vibrant leaves or a softer hue? Smooth or textured foliage?
  2. Form and density: Consider the tree’s shape and thickness. Some trees have a more formal look, while others are wild and free.
  3. Flowering or non-flowering: Flowering trees can add a pop of color to your yard. Non-flowering types are often less maintenance.

Maintenance Needs

  1. Pruning and watering: Some trees require more TLC than others. Make sure you’re up for the task.
  2. Litter and debris: Be prepared for the potential mess some trees can create, especially during blooming or shedding seasons.
  3. Disease or pest resistance: Choose trees resistant to local pests and diseases to reduce maintenance.

Environmental Factors

  1. Climate hardiness zone: Every tree has a comfort zone. Make sure your climate fits the bill.
  2. Soil conditions: Different trees prefer different soil types. Ensure your soil is suitable for your chosen tree.
  3. Sunlight exposure: Trees need sunlight to grow. Make sure your yard offers enough light for your new green friends.

Growth: One of the best trees for privacy, the Leyland Cypress, is a fast-growing tree. It's known to add up t

1) Leyland Cypress (x Cupressocyparis leylandii)

Growth: One of the best trees for privacy, the Leyland Cypress, is a fast-growing tree. It’s known to add up to 3-5 feet per year, reaching a mature height of 60-70 feet tall. This evergreen tree is perfect for creating quick privacy screens.

Appearance: The Leyland Cypress boasts feathery, soft green leaves that stay vibrant all year round. Its dense foliage provides an excellent screen, and its tall, narrow form makes it ideal for tight spaces.

Care: This tree is relatively low maintenance. It thrives in full sun and adapts well to various soil conditions. While it appreciates regular watering, it’s also drought tolerant once established.

Considerations: When planting, consider hardiness zones 6-10. Check for adequate space as this tree grows wide as well as tall. Be mindful of potential disease issues, such as canker.

2) Thuja Green Giant (Thuja standishii x plicata)

Growth: The Thuja Green Giant is renowned for its remarkable growth rate, making it one of the fastest-growing trees. With an impressive annual growth of 3-5 feet, it can reach a mature height of 50-60 feet. This makes it an excellent choice for creating a privacy hedge or windbreak.

Appearance: This evergreen tree boasts dense and lush green foliage that remains captivating all year round. Its elegant conical shape adds a touch of sophistication to any landscape.

Care: The Green Giant is a hardy tree that requires minimal maintenance. It thrives in various soil types and adapts well to full sun and partial shade. Furthermore, it exhibits excellent resistance to pests and diseases.

Considerations: Good for zones 5-9, ensuring ample space for its expansive growth is important. The Green Giant is known for its cold hardiness, retaining its captivating beauty even during winter.

tree leaves

3) Eastern Redcedar (Juniperus virginiana)

Growth: The Eastern Redcedar is an impressive privacy tree that exhibits rapid growth, adding approximately 2 feet in height each year. Its mature height of 40-50 feet makes it an excellent choice for creating privacy shades.

Appearance: This magnificent tree showcases vibrant blue-green leaves and produces alluring blueberries in the late summer. Its distinct columnar shape makes it a favored option for creating beautiful hedges.

Care: The Eastern Redcedar is remarkably low maintenance. It exhibits exceptional drought tolerance, thrives when exposed to full sun, and effortlessly adapts to various soil conditions.

Considerations: Ideally suited for zones 2-9, this tree is also highly resilient to cold weather. It’s worth noting that the berries it produces can attract birds, which may result in some additional debris in your yard.

4) American Holly (Ilex opaca)

Growth: Known as one of the best trees for privacy, the American Holly is a slow to medium-growing tree, adding about 1-2 feet per year. It can grow to a mature height of 40-50 feet, making it perfect for creating tall barriers for added seclusion.

Appearance: This evergreen tree boasts beautiful dark green leaves and produces vibrant red berries in winter, adding a splash of color to your yard.

Care: The American Holly appreciates full sun to partial shade. It’s adaptable to various soil conditions but prefers well-drained soils. Regular watering helps it thrive.

Considerations: Suitable for hardiness zones 5-9, this tree is cold hardy. The berries attract birds, adding life to your garden and potential debris.

5) Leylandii Cypress (Cupressus × leylandii)

Growth: The Leylandii Cypress is renowned for its rapid growth, often regarded as the fastest-growing privacy tree available. It can achieve an impressive growth rate of 2-3 feet per year, reaching majestic heights of up to 70 feet.

Appearance: This tree boasts soft, feathery foliage that remains lush and green throughout the year. Its dense growth pattern makes it an exceptional choice for creating privacy barriers.

Care: The Leylandii Cypress thrives in full sun and remarkably adapts to various soil conditions. While it requires relatively low maintenance, regular watering is appreciated to ensure its continued vitality.

Considerations: This tree flourishes in zones 6-10, making it an ideal choice for those regions. Take note of its vigorous growth and plan accordingly to provide adequate space for its flourishing presence.

6) Hybrid Poplar (Populus spp.)

Growth: The Hybrid Poplar is one of the fastest growing trees, adding an impressive 5-8 feet annually. It can reach a mature height of 40-50 feet quickly.

Appearance: This deciduous tree has broad, green leaves that turn yellow in fall. It adds beauty and privacy to your landscape.

Care: The Hybrid Poplar loves full sun and is adaptable to various soil conditions. While it’s a low-maintenance tree, it does appreciate regular watering.

Considerations: Thriving in zones 3-8, this versatile tree flourishes easily across diverse climates. Its fast growth can be a blessing for quick privacy, but it ensures enough space to grow.

7) Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis)

Growth: The Arborvitae is a fast-growing tree, adding about 1-2 feet per year. It can reach a mature height of 40-60 feet, making it one of the best trees for privacy.

Appearance: This magnificent evergreen tree boasts lush, verdant foliage, forming an exquisite natural barrier and providing privacy and visual appeal.

Care: The Arborvitae thrives in full sun to partial shade and adapts to various soil conditions. It’s a low-maintenance plant but appreciates regular watering.

Considerations: This tree is also cold-hardy, good for zones 3-7. It’s often used in hedges and privacy screens due to its fast growth.

Italian Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens)

8) Italian Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens)

Growth: The Italian Cypress is a fast-growing tree, adding about 1-3 feet annually. It can soar to a mature height of up to 70 feet, making it one of the best privacy trees.

Appearance: This evergreen tree has dark green leaves and a narrow, columnar form, making it an elegant addition to any landscape.

Care: The Italian Cypress loves full sun and is drought-tolerant once established. It requires minimal care, making it a low-maintenance choice.

Considerations: Ideal for zones 7-10, this tree is a superb choice for establishing towering privacy screens. Ensure you have enough vertical space for it to grow.

9) Myrica cerifera (Wax Myrtle)

Growth: The Wax Myrtle is a fast-growing tree, adding about 3-5 feet per year. It can reach a mature height of 20 feet, creating a dense barrier for added privacy in no time.

Appearance: This evergreen tree has shiny green leaves that emit a pleasant aroma when crushed. It also produces attractive blue berries in winter.

Care: The Wax Myrtle thrives in full sun to partial shade and adapts to various soil conditions. It’s a low-maintenance plant that’s also drought-tolerant.

Considerations: Perfect for zones 7-11, this tree is cold-hardy and provides beauty year-round. Its fast growth rate makes it a top choice for privacy hedges.

10) Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum)

Growth: The Japanese Maple(native to Japan) is a slow to medium-growing tree, adding about 1-2 feet per year. It can reach a mature height of 10-25 feet, making it an excellent choice for smaller privacy screens.

Appearance: This tree is known for its beautiful, unique leaf shapes and vibrant fall colors. Its green leaves turn to stunning shades of red and orange in the fall, adding beauty to your landscape.

Care: The Japanese Maple thrives in partial shade and prefers well-drained, slightly acidic soil. Regular watering helps it flourish, but it’s also moderately drought-tolerant.

Considerations: Fit for zones 5-8, this tree adds an aesthetic appeal to your yard. It’s not the tallest privacy tree, but its beauty compensates.

11) Tahitian Lime (Citrus x latifolia)

Growth: The Tahitian Lime tree is recognized for its rapid growth, adding around 2-3 feet yearly. Reaching a mature height of 10-15 feet, it quickly establishes a thick barrier, providing peace and seclusion.

Appearance: This tree has glossy, dark green leaves and produces fragrant white flowers that bloom in spring, followed by luscious limes.

Care: The Tahitian Lime loves full sun and requires well-drained soil. Regular watering and occasional feeding with citrus fertilizer help it thrive.

Considerations: Suitable for zones 9-11, this tree also provides delicious fruit. Ensure you have enough space for it to grow and bear fruit.

12) Dwarf Flowering Gum (Corymbia ficifolia)

Growth: The Dwarf Flowering Gum is a tree that exhibits moderate to fast growth, adding approximately 2-3 feet per year. It can attain a mature height of 20-30 feet, making it an ideal choice for creating medium-sized natural barriers.

Appearance: This tree is renowned for its exquisite and vibrant flowers that bloom during summer. The flowers showcase a delightful array of reddish colors, enhancing your yard’s aesthetic appeal.

Care: The Dwarf Flowering Gum thrives in full sun and best in well-drained soil. Once established, it exhibits drought tolerance, making it a low-maintenance landscaping option.

Considerations: Boasting suitability for zones 10-11, this tree adds color and privacy to your landscape. Its rapid growth rate makes it a top choice for creating quick and effective privacy screens.

13) Water Gum (Tristaniopsis laurina)

Growth: The Water Gum is a medium to slow-growing tree with excellent privacy. It adds around 1 to 2 feet each year, eventually reaching a mature height of 30 feet.

Appearance: This evergreen tree boasts glossy, dark green leaves that transform into a beautiful yellow hue during fall. Its smooth, coppery bark adds a touch of elegance to any landscape.

Care: The Water Gum thrives in areas with full sun to partial shade and prefers moist, well-drained soil. It is a low-maintenance plant that also exhibits moderate drought tolerance.

Considerations: The Water Gum tree provides year-round beauty with its adaptability to zones 9-11. Its versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of landscapes.

14) Fiddlewood (Citharexylum spinosum)

Growth: The Fiddlewood is a rapidly growing tree, adding approximately 2-3 feet each year. It can reach an impressive height of up to 35 feet when fully mature, making it an excellent choice for ensuring privacy.

Appearance: This tree is adored for its delightful, fragrant white flowers that bloom in spring and summer. Its glossy leaves and attractive berries further enhance its visual appeal.

Care: The Fiddlewood thrives even in partial sun and requires well-drained soil. Regular watering and occasional feeding are essential for optimal growth.

Considerations: Ideally suited for zones 10-11, this tree also acts as a magnet for wildlife. Make sure to allocate sufficient vertical space to accommodate its growth.

15) Casuarina

Growth: The Casuarina tree is renowned for its rapid growth, adding approximately 6-7 feet in height per year. It can quickly reach a majestic height of 40 feet and sometimes up to 100+ ft, providing abundant privacy for homeowners.

Appearance: This evergreen tree boasts elegant needle-like leaves and produces dainty, brown cones. Its luxuriant growth pattern makes it an exceptional choice for creating a visually appealing privacy screen.

Care: The Casuarina thrives when exposed to full sun and remarkably adapts to various soil conditions. With its low maintenance requirements and impressive drought tolerance, this tree is a resilient and hassle-free addition to any garden.

Considerations: Fit for hardiness zones 9-11, the Casuarina tree is the perfect candidate for creating tall, imposing shades. Its remarkable growth rate renders it a premier choice for rapidly establishing an effective and visually pleasing privacy solution.

Chinese Tallow Tree (Triadica sebifera)

16) Chinese Tallow Tree (Triadica sebifera)

Growth: This fast-growing privacy tree adds about 3-4 feet per year, reaching a mature height of 30 feet. It’s one of the best trees for privacy due to its rapid growth rate.

Appearance: The Chinese Tallow Tree is an eye-catcher with broadleaf foliage that turns from green to stunning shades of red, orange, and purple in the fall.

Care: This low-maintenance tree thrives in full sun to partial shade and adapts to various soil conditions. Despite being drought-resistant, it appreciates regular watering.

Considerations: Ideal for growing zones 8-11, this tree provides year-round beauty. Its fast growth and vibrant fall colors make it a top choice for homeowners wanting privacy.

17) Dawn Redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides)

Growth: The Dawn Redwood is a fast-growing tree, adding about 2-3 feet per year. It can soar up to 100 feet tall, making it one of the tallest privacy trees.

Appearance: This deciduous conifer has a pyramidal shape and feathery, light green leaves that turn orange-brown in the fall before shedding.

Care: It loves full sun and requires moist, well-drained soil. Despite its towering height, it’s a low maintenance plant that’s also drought tolerant.

Considerations: Suitable for hardiness zones 5-8, this tree is perfect for creating tall privacy shades. But do ensure you have enough vertical space for it to grow.

18) Japanese Pagoda Tree (Sophora japonica)

Growth: The Japanese Pagoda Tree is a moderate growing tree, adding about 1-2 feet per year. It can reach a mature height of 50-82 feet, providing a dense privacy screen.

Appearance: This tree is loved for its clusters of fragrant, white flowers that bloom in late summer. Its dark green leaves add to its appeal.

Care: The Japanese Pagoda Tree thrives in full sun and prefers well-drained soil. Regular watering and occasional feeding help it thrive.

Considerations: Perfect for hardiness zones 4-8, this tree also attracts wildlife. Its fast growth rate and beautiful flowers make it a top choice for privacy hedges.

19) Silver Maple (Acer saccharinum)

Growth: The Silver Maple is a vigorously growing tree, adding approximately 3-7 feet in height each year. This splendid privacy tree can reach an impressive height of up to 50 feet.

Appearance: Renowned for its distinctive silver-grey bark and large, five-lobed leaves that transform into vibrant shades of yellow during autumn.

Care: Flourishing in full sun to partial shade, it thrives in moist, well-drained soil. While being a low-maintenance plant, regular watering is appreciated to ensure its well-being.

Considerations: Ideal for zones 3-9, this rapidly growing privacy tree offers both shade and year-round beauty. When planting, bear in mind its rapid growth rate for proper spacing.

20) Cotoneaster ‘Cornubia’

Growth: Cotoneaster ‘Cornubia’ is a shrub with a moderate to fast growth rate, adding approximately 1-2 feet per year. Its mature height of 10-30 feet is an ideal option for establishing smaller privacy barriers.

Appearance: This plant showcases lush dark green leaves and produces vibrant red berries during the winter season, enhancing the visual appeal of your landscape.

Care: Thriving in areas with full sun to partial shade, Cotoneaster ‘Cornubia’ prefers well-drained soil. Once established, it exhibits drought tolerance, making it a low-maintenance choice for gardeners.

Considerations: Suitable for hardiness zones 3-5, this plant offers year-round interest with its evergreen nature. Due to its rapid growth and ability to maintain privacy, it remains a popular choice for those seeking quick privacy screens.

21) Thuja Green Giant

Growth: The Emerald Green Arborvitae is a fast-growing privacy tree, adding about 1-2 feet per year. It can soar to a mature height of 12-20 feet tall.

Appearance: This evergreen tree has dense, rich green foliage that stays vibrant year-round, providing a continuous shield of seclusion.

Care: Prefers full sun to partial shade and adapts to various soil conditions. It’s a low-maintenance plant with a high drought tolerance once established.

Considerations: Suitable for growing zones 2-7, this tree is an excellent option for creating tall, slender barriers. Its rapid growth and evergreen characteristics make it a favored choice for enhancing privacy.

Conclusion: Choosing the Ideal Fast Growing Privacy Trees

When it comes to creating privacy in your landscape, a fast-growing tree can provide quick results. However, it’s important to consider each tree’s specific needs and characteristics before deciding.

Some factors to remember include the growth rate, appearance, care requirements, and suitability for your hardiness zone.

Considering all these elements, you can select the perfect fast-growing privacy tree that provides the desired level of privacy and adds beauty and value to your landscape. So go ahead and plant a fast-growing privacy tree today, and enjoy a private, peaceful outdoor space in no time!